Friday follow up 12/2/11
Al has started on another new sculpture. This one is going to tell a very interesting story. A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine posted a video on facebook that was a documentary from a TV show. The program was about Lozen, an Apache woman warrior. We were enthralled with the story of her, and decided that a sculpture about Lozen would be a great idea. Plus, my friend who introduced us to the story of Lozen, is a fantastic artist herself. She was the Artsy Fartsy featured artist a couple of weeks ago on Roxy the traveling dog. Maria D’Angelo is a pencil artist from New Jersey and her and Al are collaborating on this project.
The sculpture depicts Lozen on a running horse. She was the sister of the great Apache warrior Victorio, and they were associated with Geronimo. She fought along side them for many years, and was a very fierce warrior. She also was a medicine woman and had the ability to tell were the enemy was. In this case, the enemy was the US army who had forced them from their land.
Maria is doing a drawing of Lozen that shows her in a more meditative pose. These two pieces together will tell the story of Lozen the great woman warrior.
Both of these pieces are in the very early stages of creation. I will update the work of both artists every Friday.
The original of the drawing, and a special casting of the sculpture, will be sold as a set, in an exclusive collectors edition.
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