Western Art Rodeo

There’s a new game in town for Artists – Sculptors – Painters – Photographers and Art Enthusiasts!
The concept for the Art Rodeo is based on an actual rodeo. Artists can enter up to 3 pieces to be judged in 3 different rounds. There are 3 judges, and each judge can score up to 33 points per piece in each round. So each piece of artwork can score a total of 99 points. The judging is done live and the audience can watch and see how each piece scores. The 4 highest scoring pieces move onto the next round, where the artist has to enter another piece. The final round has the highest scoring artwork competing.
Al entered “Listen” into round one where he scored an 86 and took second place in sculpture.
In round two he entered “The Storyteller”. That piece scored 60 and was in seventh place.
Al took 3rd place overall for sculpture.
The WARA is a new exciting idea that every artist should participate in. It’s an art show with a purpose. The next show is scheduled for November, we’ll be there, will you?
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